4 Week Post-natal Fitness Course

What is MaxxiMums?

Maxximums is a post-natal fitness program, designed specifically for new mums or mums returning to exercise after having their baby.  The class is focused on;

Your MaxxiMums Instructor

Hey, I’m Christina, and a proud mum of 3.  I have plenty of experience returning back to exercise after giving birth.  After having my first child, and before I qualified as a PT, I done what every other mother who is dying to get back to exercise does, and joined a so-called “Mums Fitness Class”.  It was full of sit-ups, planks and star jumps, with no mention of the pelvic floor or muscle separation.  Little did I know, that the exercise class I so loved going to, was actually causing me long-term harm and making undiscovered issues worse.

Why I Created MaxxiMums

I qualified as a Personal Trainer in 2016, and soon began to find out that post-natal issues were extremely common, in about 80% of my clients.  I soon realised that there was a major lack of information and help for mums regarding pelvic floor issues, diastasis recti, back pain and prolapse.  This lead me to enrolling in and qualifying as a Certified Pre- & Postnatal Coach, the only CPPC in N. Ireland.

With all my new knowledge from the course, I created the MaxxiMums program, to help advise mums of the many issues that we are subject to after child birth, and to create a program that guides them safely back into exercise.

Bring Your Kids

For All Mums

4 Weeks - 8 Sessions

£ 150

For some reason, the fitness industry feel they can charge extremely high prices to specialised segments, particularly the ‘mummy market’.  It’s not easy providing for a whole new member of the family, needing to buy new clothes, a cot, pram, toys and everything else.  And on top of that, expect new mums to fork out large amounts of money, so they can return to exercise.

I know the struggles, and am passionate about helping all mums back into exercise, by making my courses affordable as possible.  

MaxxiMums Course Start Dates

Places Reserved
3/8 Places Reserved 37%

Course Availability

Limited to per Group

Reserve You Place

Deposit Only

£ 60

Remaining balance payable on course start date.